Sten-Kristian Saluveer - bio picture - AB 2020
CEO at Storytek and Strategic Advisor at Marche Du Film – Festival de Cannes

Sten-Kristian Saluveer

Sten-Kristian Saluveer is Estonia, and Japan based innovation strategist, audiovisual producer, and content & technology entrepreneur.  After more than 20 years in the audiovisual and content industry as a producer, Sten  dedicates his time on projects that bring together world class creativity with world class tech and storytelling. Sten is the Founder of Storytek - a vertical focused mediatech accelerator and innovation hub and  heading the Innovation track - NEXT - at the Marche Du Film of the Festival de Cannes.  He is also a partner in the Exit Academy - a tailor-made coaching and advisory program that helps passionate startup founders to master the skills for reaching the potential of their companies towards successful exits. Most recently Sten helped to design and transform the worlds number one  content market - the Marche du Film - Festival de Cannes into its first virtual edition with more than 10 000 attendees connecting to the Marche globally.

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